Special Education & Related Services

Special Education – Referral Process
Any person who has concerns about a student’s education can refer him or her to the special education team. The person can be the classroom teacher, parent, the Principal, or the student himself/ herself. This is a confidential process that is in the best interest of the student. You can receive a copy of the entire referral process or the referral form from the special education teacher. Any member of the team, the special education teacher, the Guidance Counselor, the Principal or the nurse will be happy to answer any questions you may have.
Notice of Rights Pursuant To RSA 186-c16B, Statute of Limitations for Special Education Classes
The state and federal education laws (NH Revised Statutes Annotated Chapter 186-C and Title 20, United States Code, Sections 1400-1415) require that the school district offer a “free and appropriate public education” to all educationally disabled children.
These statutes define educationally disabled children as children suffering from certain enumerated disabilities who are between the ages of three and twenty-one and who have not yet obtained a high school diploma.
A “free and appropriate education” consists of specially designed instruction and educationally related services in accordance with an “individualized education program” developed by the school district in consultation with the student’s parents.
If you suspect that your child is educationally disabled and qualifies for such special services, you may make a written referral requesting that the school district determine your child’s eligibility. Such referrals should be addressed to the Special Education Contact Person at your local school.
Director of Special Services
15 Preble St.
Groveton, NH 03582
Tel: 603-636-2492