Say hello to two-way messaging and class announcements in the SAU 58 app! With the addition of Rooms, our district app keeps getting better. Parents/guardians check your email/text for instructions to sign up and access new features. Didn't receive an invite? Contact the office to make sure you're included next round.
4 days ago, School Administrative Unit 58
Rooms info post
Say hello to two-way messaging in the SAU 58 app! The same district app now offers class announcements and parent-teacher chat. Look for your personalized invitation to begin using this feature in our app after Feb 12. Download for Android Download for iPhone
5 days ago, School Administrative Unit 58
Rooms info post
Good morning. All after school activities in Groveton, Stark, and Stratford are cancelled today, February 6, due to inclement weather. Stay safe.
10 days ago, Anne Landry
SCHOOL ADMINISTRATIVE UNIT #58 Northumberland-Stark-Stratford PUBLIC NOTICE The school districts of SAU #58 announce the following details regarding the school budget hearing dates and petitions for warrant articles. Information for submitting petitions will be available in the Office of the Superintendent of Schools, 15 Preble Street, Groveton, NH 03582 (tel. 603-636-1437). In addition, budgets and warrant articles will be posted in two public places in each town, according to RSA 197:7, prior to the meetings and voting dates. BUDGET HEARINGS Budget hearings will be held at the dates, places, and times listed below. All questions relative to the operating budgets of the school districts for the 2025-2026 school year will be discussed at the hearings. The public is urged to attend to receive information and to comment on the budgets at the hearings. Stark – Tuesday, February 4, 2024 – 5:00 p.m. – Stark Village School Northumberland – Tuesday, February 11, 2024 – 5:30pm – Groveton High School Stratford – Wednesday, February 12, 2024 - 5:30 p.m. – Stratford School Multipurpose Room PETITIONS FOR WARRANT ARTICLES Any voter may petition for a school warrant article if the petition contains the signatures of 25 or more voters, or 2% of the school district’s voters. Petitions for all three districts must be submitted to the Office of the Superintendent of Schools by Friday, February 7, 2025. Notice:
26 days ago, School Administrative Unit 58
SCHOOL ADMINISTRATIVE UNIT #58 Northumberland-Stark-Stratford PUBLIC NOTICE  The school districts of SAU #58 announce the following details regarding the school budget hearing dates and petitions for warrant articles. Information for submitting petitions will be available in the Office of the Superintendent of Schools, 15 Preble Street, Groveton, NH 03582 (tel. 603-636-1437). In addition, budgets and warrant articles will be posted in two public places in each town, according to RSA 197:7, prior to the meetings and voting dates.  BUDGET HEARINGS  Budget hearings will be held at the dates, places, and times listed below. All questions relative to the operating budgets of the school districts for the 2025-2026 school year will be discussed at the hearings. The public is urged to attend to receive information and to comment on the budgets at the hearings.  Stark – Tuesday, February 4, 2024 – 5:00 p.m. – Stark Village School  Northumberland – Tuesday, February 11, 2024 – 5:30pm – Groveton High School  Stratford – Wednesday, February 12, 2024 - 5:30 p.m. – Stratford School Multipurpose Room  PETITIONS FOR WARRANT ARTICLES  Any voter may petition for a school warrant article if the petition contains the signatures of 25 or more voters, or 2% of the school district’s voters. Petitions for all three districts must be submitted to the Office of the Superintendent of Schools by Friday, February 7, 2025.  Notice:
SCHOOL ADMINISTRATIVE UNIT #58 Northumberland-Stark-Stratford PUBLIC NOTICE The school districts of SAU #58 announce the following details regarding the filing of candidates for public office. Information for the filing of candidates will be available in the Office of the Superintendent of Schools, 15 Preble Street, Groveton, NH 03582 (tel. 603-636-1437). FILING OF CANDIDATES FOR OFFICE Filing period: January 22, 2025 through January 31, 2025 at 5:00 p.m. Northumberland - Positions open: Moderator, one 1-year term; Clerk, one 1-year term; Treasurer, one 1-year term; School Board, two 3-year terms. Stark – Positions open: Moderator, one 1-year term; Clerk, one 1-year term; Treasurer, one 1-year term; School Board, one 3-year term. Stratford – Positions open: Moderator, one 1-year term; Clerk, one 1-year term; Treasurer, one 1-year term; School Board, one 3-year term. The SAU #58 school districts operate under the non-partisan ballot system for the election of school officials. Filing forms for candidates for Northumberland School District positions may be obtained at the Office of the Superintendent of Schools, 15 Preble Street, Groveton, NH; filing forms for Stark and Stratford positions should be obtained at the respective Town Clerks’ offices. NOTICE: School district officers for all three districts are to be elected at the Town Meetings in the respective towns in accordance with the statutory election procedures adopted by the school districts. Notice - Form -
26 days ago, School Administrative Unit 58
SCHOOL ADMINISTRATIVE UNIT #58 Northumberland-Stark-Stratford PUBLIC NOTICE  The school districts of SAU #58 announce the following details regarding the filing of candidates for public office. Information for the filing of candidates will be available in the Office of the Superintendent of Schools, 15 Preble Street, Groveton, NH 03582 (tel. 603-636-1437).  FILING OF CANDIDATES FOR OFFICE  Filing period: January 22, 2025 through January 31, 2025 at 5:00 p.m.  Northumberland - Positions open: Moderator, one 1-year term; Clerk, one 1-year term; Treasurer, one 1-year term; School Board, two 3-year terms.  Stark – Positions open: Moderator, one 1-year term; Clerk, one 1-year term; Treasurer, one 1-year term; School Board, one 3-year term.  Stratford – Positions open: Moderator, one 1-year term; Clerk, one 1-year term; Treasurer, one 1-year term; School Board, one 3-year term.  The SAU #58 school districts operate under the non-partisan ballot system for the election of school officials. Filing forms for candidates for Northumberland School District positions may be obtained at the Office of the Superintendent of Schools, 15 Preble Street, Groveton, NH; filing forms for Stark and Stratford positions should be obtained at the respective Town Clerks’ offices.  NOTICE: School district officers for all three districts are to be elected at the Town Meetings in the respective towns in accordance with the statutory election procedures adopted by the school districts.  Notice - Form -
Thursday, January 23, 2025 Northumberland School District Annual Meeting Work Session 5:30pm - Groveton High School Cafeteria 1. Call to Order 2. Annual Meeting Work Session 3. Adjourn 4. ***agendas are drafts and subject to change
26 days ago, School Administrative Unit 58
Thursday, January 23, 2025  Northumberland School District Annual Meeting Work Session  5:30pm - Groveton High School Cafeteria 1. Call to Order 2. Annual Meeting Work Session 3. Adjourn 4. ***agendas are drafts and subject to change
Reminder: Northumberland School Board Meeting Tonight - January 14, 2024 @ 5:30 PM The meeting is open to the public, and we encourage community members to attend and participate in the discussion. If you wish to attend, please enter the building through the alley on Pleasant Street to access the cafeteria. Livestream & Recordings: The meeting will also be available live on YouTube. Tonight's meeting and recordings of past meetings can be viewed here: Note: Questions or comments cannot be submitted online, so we encourage you to join us in person for full participation. A list of current School Board members and a link to Agendas, Minutes, and Policies can be found here:
about 1 month ago, School Administrative Unit 58
Park on State, walk down Pleasant, enter via alley
The Community Builders Hub has been helping to convene partners to explore creative collaborations to help with issues of importance to community members, including the lack of childcare options in the area of northern Coos County, NH and northeastern Essex County, VT. If your family is in need of childcare or after school care within the next year, please consider filling out this brief survey to help us determine the current needs of our communities. Real solutions are forming, but public input is needed to move things forward. Please submit responses via this form: - by January 22, 2025. Thank you for your time!
about 1 month ago, School Administrative Unit 58
Coos North Childcare Expansion Team Survey image - link here:  Or submit to Britini Hailey at 802-277-1974 by January 22, 2025
Reminder: School Funding Presentation: December 18, 2024 6:00 PM at Groveton High School Mark Manganiello with the NH Bureau of School Finance will discuss the state education funding formula.  Additionally, other areas relating to school finance such as school enrollment and property values trends will be discussed. The meeting is open to the public, and we encourage community members to attend and participate in the discussion. If you wish to attend, please enter the building through the alley on Pleasant Street to access the cafeteria. Livestream & Recordings: The presentation will be streamed live on YouTube and a recorded version will be available for viewing at: Note: Questions or comments cannot be submitted online, so we encourage you to join us in person for full participation.
2 months ago, School Administrative Unit 58
School Funding Presentation: Wednesday, December 18, 2024 at 6:00 at Groveton High School. Mark Manganiello with the NH Bureau of School Finance will discuss the state education funding formula. Additionally, other areas relating to school finance such as school enrollment and property values trends will be discussed. The meeting is open to the public, and we encourage community members to attend and participate in the discussion. If you wish to attend, please enter the building through the alley on Pleasant Street to access the cafeteria. Livestream & Recordings: The presentation will be streamed live on YouTube and a recorded version will be available for viewing at: Note: Questions or comments cannot be submitted online, so we encourage you to join us in person for full participation.
2 months ago, School Administrative Unit 58
SAU #58 - Joint Board Meeting - Budget Hearing - December 10th, 2024 @ 6:30PM The SAU #58 Joint Board will meet tonight (12/10/24) at 6:30 PM in the Groveton High School Cafeteria, located at 65 State Street. The meeting is open to the public, and we encourage community members to attend and participate in the discussion. If you wish to attend, please enter the building through the alley on Pleasant Street to access the cafeteria.
2 months ago, School Administrative Unit 58
Reminder: Northumberland School Board Meeting Tonight - December 10th, 2024 @ 5:30 PM The meeting is open to the public, and we encourage community members to attend and participate in the discussion. If you wish to attend, please enter the building through the alley on Pleasant Street to access the cafeteria. Livestream & Recordings: The meeting will also be available live on YouTube, tonight's meeting and recordings of past meetings can be viewed here: Note: Questions or comments cannot be submitted online, so we encourage you to join us in person for full participation. A list of current School Board members and a link to Agendas, Minutes, and Policies can be found here:
2 months ago, School Administrative Unit 58
This is a friendly reminder of our upcoming event. Do you want to understand how schools are funded? Please join us on Wednesday, December 18, 2024 at 6:00 pm at Groveton High School for a presentation on school finance. Mark Manganiello with the Bureau of School Finance within the New Hampshire Department of Education will discuss the state education funding formula, commonly known as ‘adequacy funding’, and how the formula impacts the districts within SAU 58. Additionally, other areas relating to school finance such as school enrollment and property values trends will be discussed. I hope to see you there!
2 months ago, Anne Landry
All afterschool and evening activities are cancelled today, November 26, due to the potential for icy driving conditions. Thank you, and be safe.
3 months ago, Anne Landry
Do you want to understand how schools are funded? Please join us on Wednesday, December 18, 2024 at 6:00 at Groveton High School for a presentation on school finance. Mark Manganiello with the Bureau of School Finance within the New Hampshire Department of Education will discuss the state education funding formula, commonly known as ‘adequacy funding’, and how the formula impacts the districts within SAU 58. Additionally, other areas relating to school finance such as school enrollment and property values trends will be discussed. I hope to see you there!
3 months ago, Anne Landry
Reminder: Northumberland School Board Meeting Tonight - November 12th, 2024 @ 5:30 PM The Northumberland School Board will meet tonight at 5:30 PM in the Groveton High School Cafeteria, located at 65 State Street. The meeting is open to the public, and we encourage community members to attend and participate in the discussion. If you wish to address the Board during the meeting, please enter the building through the alley on Pleasant Street to access the cafeteria. Livestream & Recordings: The meeting will also be available live on YouTube, tonight's meeting and recordings of past meetings can be viewed here: Note: Questions or comments cannot be submitted online, so we encourage you to join us in person for full participation. A list of current School Board members and a link to Agendas, Minutes, and Policies can be found here:
3 months ago, School Administrative Unit 58
🛑UPDATED SAU 58 BUS OVERVIEW 🛑 Stratford will be going back to two buses effective Monday 10/7/24. If your student takes either "STRATFORD" bus, please take a minute to view your student/s new pick up and drop off times. NOTE: This is just an overview. So if you don't see a specific stop, determine where you would fit in between the stops listed. Please find a machine readable PDF version of the route here:
5 months ago, School Administrative Unit 58
SAU 58 BUS SCHEDULE 2024 - 2025  ALL AM times are approximate, based on student riders. These times can fluctuate based on who rides day to day.  Please have your student/s out, ready and waiting, 5 minutes prior to their scheduled pick-up time. If the buses are  not there at the approximate times, please allow extra time as there could be a traffic accident, road construction,  etc. The route schedule is subject to change pending additions/deletions to the routes.  REMINDER IF YOUR CHILD IS IN GRADE 2 OR LOWER A PARENT/ADULT IS REQUIRED TO BE PRESENT AND VISIBLE AT  THE STOP.  GROVETON BUS #102 - Route 3/Dean Brook Dr./ Marietta Lane/Old Village Rd  7:10am Rt. 3 North  7:20am Old Village Rd  7:25am Rt. 3 South  7:25am  7:28am  7:28am  7:30am  7:35am  7:40am  7:45am  Cloutier Drive  Bus Yard (Turn Around)  Alice Drive  Dean Brook Drive/Marietta Ln  Rt. 3 North  Groveton High School  Groveton Elementary School  2:30pm Groveton Elementary School  2:40pm Groveton High School  2:50pm Rt. 3 South  2:55pm Dean Brook Rd/ Marietta Ln  3 :00pm Rt. 3 South  3 :00pm Cloutier Drive  3:05pm Bus Yard Tum Around  3 :05pm Rt. 3 North  3 :08pm Alice Drive  3: 1 0pm Old Village Rd  GROVETON BUS #101 - LOST NATION ROAD/Page Hill Rd/ Mt. View Dr.  6:40am Page Hill / Long View Dr. 2:30pm Groveton Elementary School  6:47am Lost Nation 2:40pm Groveton High School  7:15am Wemyss Drive 2:50pm Rt. 3 (South of Brown Rd)  7:20am Rt. 110 2:51pm Brown Rd.  7:25am Brown Rd 2:55pm Town line Rd  7:35am Town Line Rd 3:03pm Tetu Rd  7:40am Tetu Rd 3:06pm Wemyss Dr.  7:40am Groveton High School 3:10pm Emmerson Rd  7:45am Groveton Elementary School 3:11pm Lost Nation  SPS & GHS VOC Bus  6: l 5am Bus departs SPS  6:30am Bus departs GHS
STRATFORD BUS # 122  7:05am  7:07am  7:16am  7:19am  7:21am  7:23am  School House Rd, VT  Graham Rd, VT  Pleasant Valley Trailer Park  Mill Road Meadows  Monuments by Post Office  Stratford Public School  STRATFORD BUS #107  6:40am Stratford Town Recycling Center  6:43am Rt. 3 South  6:53am Spur Rd  6:57am Potato Hill Rd  7:00am Bordeau Rd  7:07am Rt.3 North  7:10am Mountain View Rd  7:23am Stratford Public School  7:45am Groveton High School  STARK BUS #116  6:23am Paris Rd.  6:27am 4 Corners  6:30am Rt. 110  6:35am Stark Village School  6:40am Bell Hill Rd.  6:41am Percy Rd.  6:55am N orthside Rd.  7:06am Cloutier Drive  7:09am Stone Drive  7:11am Cloutier Drive  7:14am Emerson Rd.  7:17am Rt. 110  7:19am Potter Rd.  7:21am Rt. 110  7:23am Croteau Rd  7:24am Rt. 110  7:26am Town Garage Rd.  7:30am Stark Village School  7:45am Groveton High School  2:30pm  2:34pm  2:36pm  2:40pm  2:47pm  2:51pm  2:54pm  2:30pm  2:40pm  2:54pm  3:08pm  3:09pm  3:12pm  3:19pm  3:26pm  2:10pm  2:13pm  2:20pm  2:23pm  2:25pm  2:35pm  2:53pm  2:56pm  2:58pm  3:00pm  3:10pm  3:20pm  3:21pm  3:23pm  3:27pm  3:30pm  3:35pm  3:40pm  3:45pm  Stratford Public School  School House Rd, VT  Graham Rd, VT  Covey Road  Pleasant Valley Trailer Park  Old Mill Rd  Stratford Monument by Post Office Groveton High School  Rt. 3 North  Pleasant Valley Trailer Pk (Transfer) Rt. 3 South to Farm (by Mtn. View Rd) Mountain View Rd  Mason Farm (by Big Rock CG) Spur Rd / Hollow Rd  Bordeau Rd / Sugarloaf Rd  Stark Village School  Town Garage Rd.  Stark Fire Department  Lunn Rd.  Potter Rd.  Groveton High School  Emerson Rd.  Cloutier Drive  Stone Drive  Northside Rd.  Percy Rd.  Bell Hill Rd  Rt. 110  Paris Rd.  4 Comers  Rt. 110  Corkum Rd.  Town Garage Rd.  Lunn Rd.
Picture Day is on October 8th! To order: You may order in person with the printed form provided by the school or sent to you via email. For Credit Card purchases, you may preorder at: School Access Key: 4U5TJQVM
5 months ago, Kieth Matte
picture day
Notice of Vaccination Opportunity Dear Parent/Guardian, We will be able to offer flu vaccinations to students in SAU #58 schools through Weeks Medical Center this year. The vaccinations will be administered by a Weeks’ nurse during the school day on Friday October 18, 2024. Please note, there is no cost to you if you choose to have your child vaccinated. Your insurance will be billed, but you will not have to pay a copay. If you do not have insurance, you will not be charged. If you are interested in having your child receive a flu vaccine, please check your email for the forms or contact the nurse/main office to obtain them and return them completed no later than Friday September 27, 2024. Thank you, and stay healthy! Your School Health Team
5 months ago, School Administrative Unit 58
Reminder: Open House is tonight, September 19th, from 5:30pm to 6:30pm. Hope to see you there!
5 months ago, Kieth Matte
Open House Flyer